Eagles Flying
Nestled in the green hills of south Sligo, Ireland’s largest sanctuary for raptors and owls, the Irish Raptor Research Centre / Eagles Flying is situated on more than 27 ha of mature parklands near Ballymote. Currently it is the home of more than 100 eagles, hawks, owls, falcons and vultures. Altogether there are more than 450 birds and animals, encompassing nearly 100 different species, in the centre.
For the ones who prefer it more cuddly, there is also a large supervised Petting-Zoo. Here, visitors can get hands-on with guinea-pigs, pigs, rabbits, lambs, goats, donkeys, ferrets, and many more. Rosie the 350 kg pig gives kids a proper piggy-back ride, Grizzly, the raccoon, is a gifted pickpocket, Tui and Allan, the tame foxes make perfect (live) fur collars for fashion conscious ladies and Monty, the 4 meter Python, even makes a perfect scarf for at least 6 people at a time.
Website: www.eaglesflying.com